Artist in the Bush: Kenya I (2023)

Oil on special prepared paper.

All originals 30 x 42 cm (4000 euros) , except 60-68, 20 x 30 cm, 2.500 euros )

Executed with my fingers, a large spatula and pieces of cloth only, on the spot in the bush .

All lithographs 40x50 cm 399 euros

The lithographs have different sizes from the originals .

Kenya I: Exhibition Overview

Overview of the Kenya exhibition 16 September-3 December 2023 at Rens Lipsius Studio/Ideal Artist House no.2, 159 Quai de Valmy, 75010 Paris


High quality lithographs of the Kenya I Series are available for purchase below.

The lithographs are artworks in a limited, signed, edition of 30 per subject going for €399 each.

20% of the proceeds go towards nature conservation in Kenya.